The porn trends – 2017 summary

Just like at the beginning of every year, it is always good to take a look back and see the things we have experienced in the year that just ended. In this case, we will talk about what have been the porn trends throughout the world in 2017 within the Techpump websites, but before continuing, we are going to put the matter into a bit of context for ourselves. We are talking about data obtained by analyzing the behavior of 7.6 billion visits, distributed throughout the 194 countries officially recognized by the UN as having self-governance and complete independence.

If we focus on world population data, in 2017 there are approximately 5.25 billion people of legal age in the whole world. Because of this, we could say that the data through which the conclusions shown throughout this post have been extracted are based on traffic that would amount to more than one visit per person throughout the world during the last year.

All of these visits translate into more than 96 million hours of porn served, the equivalent of 4 million days of porn, or 132,000 months of porn during 2017. This means 11,000 minutes of video are reproduced per minute, which would equal 183 hours of video per minute or 7.6 days of video per minute.

If we use this information in a comparison with a great production, like for example Game of Thrones, we would conclude that in 2017 the equivalent in porn has been served 1.4 million times as much as the complete saga of the series has been seen! Game of Thrones currently has 7 seasons created for a total of 67 chapters that last between 50 and 74 minutes each, which adds up to approximately 4,000 minutes (…and we hope no one accuses us of being spoilers for this).

All of this consumption has generated more than 500 PB (Petabytes) of traffic transferred throughout the whole year, which by minute would be approximately equal to serving 32GB of porn a minute. In our sites alone on a global level, more than 730 million unique searches have been performed. It is interesting to observe how one of the fantasies most commonly mentioned among men (a threesome with two women) turns into the fact that the most searched word throughout 2017 was “Lesbians”, which invites one to think that this type of video allows the male user to fulfill his fantasy, imagining that he is sharing sex with the two girls in the video. It is also an attractive category for women, who, as can be seen since long ago, have a tendency towards this type of videos.

It could be that since in the majority of cases these videos feature a much softer and cleaner sex than that of other categories, it is more attractive for the female gender.

Infographic Sumary 2017

In the next section, we will look into what were the terms searched most by users of our sites on a global level, which were the most used devices to consume porn and what hours and days of the week saw the most porn consumption during 2017. Which terms do you think will make the ranking of the most searched on a global level along with “Lesbians”? Do you think that the consumption of porn on mobile devices will continue to rise? Or the opposite, will the evolution in resolutions and screen size have made the consumption of porn by computers increase in 2017?

Don’t stop reading and soon you will discover more details about the consumption of porn in 2017.

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