Top porn searches on a global level in 2017

In the previous post we promised you more details about the consumption of porn on a global level in 2017 and as you know, “A Lannister always pays his debts”, which is why today we will bring you in addition to the top 20 most searched words on a global level, what devices were the most used, what age ranges consumed the most porn in 2017 and what was the best hour and day of the week to consume porn.

So if you feel like getting to know a little more about this exciting and attractive world, keep reading and discover everything we bring you from Techpump.

Top 20 search keywords

If you remember, in 2017 the countries with the most porn consumption on our sites throughout the world were Brasil, Germany, Mexico, Italy, and Colombia. Coming in 6th place was Spain, a country we will certainly talk about in a different edition. As expected, each one of the citizens of these countries has different tastes, and as you can imagine local porn searches from each country are of high importance within the analysis of most searched words by country.

Top search by countries

The distribution of global traffic according to device tells us the cell phone is clearly the king (79.5% of traffic). Since the arrival of smartphones in the middle of the 90s, this type of traffic has not stopped growing. This has caused infinite changes in web development and at the same time in the analysis of user behavior. In addition to the adaptations regarding the structure of the web, in our case the content replicators and compression formats that are used have had to adapt so that user navigation is 100% satisfactory.

Traffic variation by device

Although on a global level women roughly equal men in numbers, in terms of consumption of this type of content men remain ahead and make up 63% of visits. The female gender is following a positive trend and in 2017 falls in at 37% of visits. If we focus on age range distribution, you can see that the ranges with the most visits continue to be, as expected, those of highest sexual activity, with the 25-34 year age range being the range that has visited our sites most in both sexes. On a global level we have the following distribution:

Traffic variation by gender and age

If we examine what is the preferred moment of the day to consume porn we find the following:


Traffic by hours

As can be seen, the best moment on a global level, in terms of day and hour, was Monday at around 22 hours/10 p.m. (UTC+1), very closely followed by Tuesday at around 22 or 23 hours (10 or 11 p.m.) (UTC+1). If we go to the global calculation for the day of the week, we see that Sunday was fetish day on a global level and that around the time of 23 hours/11 p.m. (UTC+1), in general, received the highest porn consumption in 2017. We imagine that one of the best ways to close out the week and go to bed to take on the next week is with the relaxation sought by viewing one of the videos on our sites. These have allowed users to let their imagination wander to close out the week.

In another edition we will describe in detail what exactly has happened in Spain (surely many of you are interested in knowing about the behavior of Spaniards in terms of porn consumption), but before that we would like to know what you thought about the behavior on a global level in 2017. Is it more or less how you expected it or did it surprise you in some way? Would you like to know about the behavior of users in any other country in detail?

1:16 am, September 4th, 2019
Mbang Boniface Ngvuma

Amazing analysis! The illustrations make it awww!

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